Chapter 236 - white lotus Assassination

It was already the end of October, Autumn Leaf was drifting around!

Li Gang had already gone from Middle Han Area to Chuan Shu, with countless of officials from Chinese Book Province also coming to Chuan Shu, they were pushing Rent reduction order in Chuan Shu! A large number of officials of the Advocacy Division had also entered the Chuan Shu, they were responsible for promoting the people of the Chuan Shu, and just like in the Middle Han Area, their focus was on the youths! Teenagers are the most active, the most receptive to new things, they will be the backbone of the country in the future!

Zhao Chen had already received countless of youths in the past few days, and had personally instilled his army with ideas! The whole world was in chaos, and the reason the Song Dynasty had developed to such a state was mainly because they lacked military power, because the entire nation lacked the martial spirit! The Han people were obviously tens of times more numerous than the Qidan, Nvzhen, Western Xia, or Mongolian people, but the Han people were constantly being bullied. The land became smaller and smaller, and if this situation did not change, then it was feared that the direction of the nation's people would be exactly the same as it had been in history. Zhao Chen would definitely not allow such a thing to happen, and with the danger of a nation, the internal conflict had already been eliminated. But Emperor Kang and the female true qi were both extremely strong, so they still had to increase their own strength. Enforcing compulsory military service throughout the country, making all aspects of the country's politics, economy, and culture serve the interests of foreign wars. Whoever was unwilling to do so would be the enemy of the country!

The night was as cold as water!

The candles in the room were lit, and at that moment, Zhao Chen suddenly realised that a shadow had appeared at the window!

"Who is it!"

He was slightly stunned!

"It's me!"

A deep voice came from outside the window!

Then, the door to the room was pushed open, and a beautiful woman dressed in male attire appeared in front of Zhao Chen!

Seeing the woman, Zhao Chen was startled! He did not understand why this girl would appear here. It has to be said that he was the emperor. Right now, he had countless people protecting him! There were at least a few hundred guards here, and even at night, they were very careful and kept patrolling. He did not understand how Song Qingyao was able to easily arrive in front of his door!

"How did you get in?" Zhao Chen said.

"Won't you invite me in?" Song Qingyao said.

"Alright!" Zhao Chen laughed and invited Song Qingyao in!

Song Qingyao sat down, she was still as beautiful as ever, the light shining on her body made her skin abnormally white, and her eyes abnormally bright! At this moment, she was looking at Zhao Chen, no one knew what she was thinking!

She did not speak, and Zhao Chen naturally did not speak either!

"Our white lotus has been in operation in the Mianyang, Guangyuan and other places for many years. Even if we fail to start an incident, our disciples are still here! Furthermore, both the Mianyang and Guangyuan had secret tunnels in their prefectural yamen! "I entered this place through a secret passage!" After a long while, Song Qingyao said.

"So that's how it is!" Zhao Chen nodded lightly! His expression did not change, but he was secretly vigilant! If there was actually a secret passage of the white lotus here, then this place would be slightly dangerous. He could either leave this place or strengthen the defenses of this place!

"My master and Martial Uncle Zhong are preparing to enter the government compound through this secret passageway and assassinate you, the Emperor!" Song Qingyao said again.

"AHH!" Zhao Chen was truly shocked this time!

"You'd better get out of here! To avoid any danger! " Song Qingyao said.

"Thank you, Miss Song!" Zhao Chen nodded and said.

"Miss Song? I remember back in the Middle Han Area's Imperial Palace, you called me A Yao? " Song Qingyao said.

"That was a very, very long time ago! At that time, I did not know of Miss Song's identity, so I was rude! " Zhao Chen thought about it and said.

"You can call me that now!" Song Qingyao said.

Zhao Chen laughed and shook his head!

Song Qingyao clenched her teeth, and said suddenly: "Do you think we will be together in the future?"

Zhao Chen was startled, and said: "What did you say?"

Song Qingyao said: "I say, can we be together?!"

Zhao Chen stood there in a daze, after a while he laughed involuntarily, and asked: "How could you ask something like that?"

Song Qingyao gritted her teeth and said, "I don't know why, but after I saw you that day, I couldn't help but think of you in my heart … Back then in the Middle Han Area Palace, I was the one who let you down, but I felt guilty in my heart. I wanted to find you for many years, wanted to apologize, but I didn't have the chance like this … Originally, I also treated you as a stranger. However, after meeting you again that day, I realized that you aren't a stranger. You have been in my heart for a very long time … "

She spoke intermittently as she turned her head, no longer looking at Zhao Chen!

Zhao Chen was in disbelief, the woman actually said such words!

Zhao Chen waited there for a long time without replying. She looked at the moonlight outside, feeling nervous and apprehensive.

"Do you know what I want?" Zhao Chen suddenly said.

"I don't know!" Song Qingyao said softly.

"I want to drive out the Tataru and restore China! I will lead the army through the mountains, through the marshes, through all obstacles, to conquer the cowardly people until they reach the edge of the Great Sea! I want to place this people in a place as huge as the sky and build a magnificent civilization that has never been seen before! In my heart, there is nothing comparable to such ambition! white lotus is standing against me, so she is my enemy! But you are a person of the white lotus, you have saved my life, I am very grateful! However, it's impossible for us to do so! " Zhao Chen said.

After Zhao Chen finished speaking, Song Qingyao's body slightly swayed, she gently sighed, and turned to leave! Zhao Chen was quiet for a moment, then lowered his head and continued working, not mentioning anything else.

The night had grown darker and darker, and Song Qingyao had long since left the magistrate court!

At this moment, in a small courtyard at the southern side of Guangyuan City, Song Qingyao was staying in one room!

There were no lights here, only moonlight spilling into the room!

She was sitting at the table with a jug of wine on it. She was drinking!

There was an expression of grief and indignation on her face. From time to time, she would grind her teeth!

A pot of wine had already been poured into her stomach. She pushed open the door and headed outside!

She had already walked out of the small courtyard and into the alley outside!

Just like that, she continued walking. When she reached the corner in front of her, a man appeared before her!

This man had disheveled hair and a bookish aura, he was Zhang Ziqiu! Seeing Song Qingyao coming out like this, Zhang Ziqiu was stunned!

"Junior Sister Song!" Zhang Ziqiu shouted.

"So it's Senior Zhang!" Song Qingyao nodded and said.

"Junior Sister Song, you … He reeked of alcohol? You drank? " Zhang Ziqiu said in disbelief.

"That's right!" Song Qingyao said.

She was an expert in martial arts and had already entered the Upper Sky Realm. She shouldn't have gotten drunk! It was just that everyone who wasn't drunk would feel intoxicated by themselves. At this moment, her heart was filled with worries, anxiety, and at the same time, a feeling of being humiliated! Under the influence of the alcohol, she was actually a little drunk! Her body swayed slightly, as if she was about to fall down!

Zhang Ziqiu rushed over to Song Qingyao's side to support her!

"What are you doing?" Song Qingyao shouted lightly.

"I... Junior Sister Song, you are drunk … … "So …" Zhang Ziqiu opened his mouth and said.

"What does it have to do with you that I'm drunk?" Song Qingyao said coldly.

"But I don't want to see you like this! Junior Sister Song, do you have something on your mind? Could it be because of the white lotus? white lotus has failed at the start, but we still have a chance! There are a lot of people in this world, and there are a lot of people living here. Zhang Ziqiu said.

Song Qingyao frowned slightly, then sighed and said, "This has nothing to do with the white lotus!"

When Zhang Ziqiu heard her reply, he was overjoyed in his heart.

Song Qingyao said: "I've lost face today, I've lost all my dignity! You don't understand! "

Zhang Ziqiu was startled, and said: "What disgrace? Junior Sister Song, you are the most intelligent, most beautiful woman in the world. Any man would be moved by your actions, how can he possibly lose face? "

Song Qingyao laughed bitterly and said: "If only I was as good as what you said!"

Zhang Ziqiu swore and said: "It is indeed so! Junior Sister Song, there is no man in this world who can resist your faint smile! Even if the woman sees you, she only wants to be friends with you and only wants to curry favor with you! "

Song Qingyao shook her head, and said: "It's not like that! It's not like that! "What nonsense are you spouting!"

Her body was on the verge of collapse, causing Zhang Ziqiu to rush forward to support her body, but he was pushed away again!

"Junior Sister Song, what exactly is going on?" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"It's my fate!" Why am I White Lotus disciples? Why did I do that? But, I'm not really trying to harm him! " Song Qingyao suddenly squatted on the ground, covering his face as he cried!

"Junior Sister Song, what's going on?" Zhang Ziqiu asked.

Song Qingyao cried for a long time before she finally stood up again. She wiped away her tears and said: "Nothing! Let's go! Tomorrow, we will go assassinate the Emperor Xuanwu! "

It was already deep into the night. In the most remote woodshed of the magistrate court, several figures of the martial arts world wearing night clothes came out one after another.

Gradually, there were more and more people, reaching over thirty people!

The 30 plus people advanced forward!

They were exceptionally familiar with the terrain of the place, and after half a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the room where Zhao Chen was yesterday!

"The little emperor is here! After we kill him, our white lotus can continue to cause trouble! At that time, the Chuan Shu will still be our holy sect's! In the future, the world might even belong to us! " This was Zhong Xiang's voice!

His voice was abnormally low, but it carried a trace of excitement!

Zhong Xiang was the first to rush into the room!

Then, the remaining people rushed into the room one by one …

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